Hero image

Folio Digital Wallet App

Download the appScan QR-code with your phone camera to download the app.
Available on iOS and Android
1M+ documents added
4.7average rating

One scan, unlimited access

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card iconBackup Passports and IDs for safe travels and simple booking.
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Copy card details and pay online.
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Get alerts before gift cards expire.
section imageKeep medical card a tap away for emergencies.
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card iconStore loyalty cards and never miss benefits.
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card iconShare links to your documents with friends and family.

Build your digital wallet

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Scan and extract data in seconds.
Assign labels and organize.
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Add, delete, and move any fields.
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Change appearance.

Download with confidence

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Hide sensitive details to enhance security.
Only you, not even Folio, can view your data.
cloud icon
We use top-tier AES 256-bit encryption.

See what Folio Wallet users say

rating stars image
Zero 32000Number 1 app to save id cards, credit cards, documents etc, the scanner works excellent and recognize all the info with accuracy. I just love it and keeps me organized. 10 stars to the developers.
rating stars image
Willie954Been using this app for years. Love always having my credit card and IDs secured on my cell, especially when I forget my wallet. Luckily hasn’t happened, but also some peace of mind to have all the details if my wallet is lost or stolen.
rating stars image
John ElderI tried two other apps. There's no comparison to Folio. There are so many easy to use functions I'll not bore you with the details. Try it yourself. Great digital wallet.

Download Folio Wallet

Scan QR-code with your phone camera.
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How safe is Folio Wallet?arrow image
What can I add to Folio Wallet?arrow image
What is the difference between Folio Wallet and other wallet apps?arrow image